
International introductory services - beyond 3 months 

  • Personal consultation - we would love to have a chat about what kind of support you’re looking for

  • Job advert - after finding out more about your needs and wants we will piece together a job advert to appeal to potential applicants

  • Ionian Collection Circulation - we will reach out to our collection to see if any of Our Nannies are suited and available for the position, if need be we will advertise further outside of Collection to try and find you the right match

  • Applications - all applications will be pieced together professionally with at least one checkable reference, personal profiles and proofread CVs

  • Communications - we will happily arrange interviews and otherwise clarify details between yourself and applicants

  • Final touches - suggested interview questions, draft contract and confidentiality agreement to will help guide both parties on their way to successful employment. For nannies hired through this package, we offer a complimentary Ionian Nannies membership featuring monthly activity plans, recipes and seasonal basic week plans and daily overviews

  • Cooling off period - the first three months of employment is often a learning curve for both parties, which is why we like to offer telephone and email support for the first few months after our introductory services

  • Return clients - you and your Nanny parted ways? If your arrangement ended within the cooling-off period we would like to offer you a 50% discount for employing our introductory services again. If you return after the cooling-off period you will be very welcome to a 25% discount

DIY find a Nanny bundle

  • Personal consultation - we would love to have a chat about what kind of support you’re looking for

  • Job advert - after finding out more about your needs and wants we will piece together a job advert to appeal to potential applicants

  • Final touches - recommended places online to advertise the position, suggested interview questions, a draft contract and confidentiality agreement to help guide both parties along the way to a successful employment

Holiday Nannies - up to 3 months


Our Corfu package includes the costings of and organises everything from Nanny’s flights, allowance, live out accommodation, getting to and from your villa or if you prefer arranging for them to live with you. 

Extra support:
Our Sister office in Corfu offers an additional babysitting service and is able to drop off anything your child needs. 

Ionian Islands: 

Our Ionian package organises everything in our Corfu package, as well as relocating Nanny to where you are. Having Nannies close by on Corfu means within the Ionian their relocation is swift and this additional cost is kept minimal. A nanny can then either live in with you, or we can organise Nanny to live out accommodation. 


Having Ionian Nannies on standby in the UK allows us to organise and fly out a Nanny to you wherever you are.

Contact us for a quote - we will happily tailor a package just for you.